eReserve4 and eReserve6 Project Overview

TERIC Power Ltd. (TERIC) is pleased to introduce our proposed eReserve4 and eReserve6 Battery Storage Projects (the “Projects”). TERIC intends to apply to the Alberta Utilities Commission (AUC) for a permit to install two 20-MW battery storage projects at the NE-09-42-09-W4M surface location, approximately eight kilometers southeast of the Town of Hardisty, in the Municipal District of Provost No. 52, Alberta. The facilities will be located on privately owned and disturbed land east of the AltaLink owned Nilrem 574S Substation.

Community Benefits

The Projects will generate municipal tax revenue that will contribute to the tax base for the Municipal District of Provost No. 52, while requiring minimal municipal services. During the construction phase, the Projects will provide local jobs for electricians, equipment operators, labourers, specialized trades, site managers and engineers. Once operational, on-going site services such as project operators, electricians, and vegetation control jobs, will be required. Additionally, the procurement of materials and local support services such as accommodations and food services for workers, will be required during both the construction and operations phases.

Stakeholder Engagement

TERIC is committed to working with all stakeholders to keep them informed of our development activities. We pledge to listen to input and to address any concerns, directly consulting with the landowners, occupants, and the residents in the area. We welcome your feedback, so please contact a TERIC representative with any questions or comments regarding the Project.

TERIC will be following the Alberta Utilities Commission’s (AUC) guidelines on social distancing to ensure proper consultation.

As an alternative, contact to request a copy of the eReserve4 and eReserve6 project information package by mail or email, or to schedule a telephone consultation with a TERIC project representative.


eReserve4 & eReserve6 Project Virtual Community Open House

Tuesday, January 25th, 2022 – 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM (MST) (Online or Telephone)
*Attendees must register using link below.

Project Contact
Craig Barnes, TERIC Power Ltd.